Ashot Gevorgyan's publications

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Publication: Article

Military Geography in the Context of Geographic Determinism
Համիկ Սայադյան

The Role of Scientometric Indicators in Modern Scientific World

Advanced Scientometric Databases as an Objective Criterion of Scientific Activities

Conceptual Analysis of the Problem of National Identity

Features of Cross-Cultural Dialogue in the Context of the Problem of National Self-Consciousness

Scientific Journals as a Standard of Sciencability

Vol. 19 No. 3 pp. 30-34 (2021)



Description: Various scientific-philosophical disciplines have introduced and continue putting forward a variety of standards and factors on the origin of science. This paper aims to highlight the role and significance of scientific journals within the context of the given issue. This article also proposes the idea that the introduction of scientific journals was not an end in itself, but rather an important and solid step forward with the aim of satisfying certain societal needs.